Amway: The Untold Story
Email Guidelines
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- Please read or at least browse the information on my site
before emailing me with questions. If you don't find the
information you're looking for, feel free to ask.
- I read all emails, but due to the volume I can't possibly
answer more than a small percentage of them. I appreciate
all your comments, both positive and negative, and
apologize in advance if you don't get a reply.
- One of the most frequent questions I get is what to do
about friends and family who have gotten involved with
Amway and are exhibiting cult-like behavior and/or are
going broke. If this is what you were going to email me
about, click here.
- Please don't:
- ask me to print the information on my web site
and mail it to you. (Yes, people have asked me to
do this.)
- ask me to evaluate other MLM companies.
- send me email in Italian, French, German, Spanish
or anything else other than English. I can't
understand them, and I won't post them because I
can't tell if they contain statements that may be
potentially defamatory to a third party.

Email me
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